Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Beginning Of A Long Journey...

Hello there,

Firstly, let me welcome all of you to the starting line of my journey! A new chapter in life for myself, hmmm... not really... as I've created a lot of blogs in the past, but I never had the will power to update my blogs daily, as I've nothing interesting to write about (excuses...)!

Today, I suddenly felt the urge to create and write something that is really close to my heart! My personal life and my journey in life! People I see and meet everyday, things that I do to amuse myself and the lists goes on and on... I must admit, that I'm still searching for my true self! I'm always wearing a mask, it sounds cliche, but that's how I feel everyday, most of the time! I want people to "see" the real ME! I'm tired of pretending to be the person who I am not!!! I want to start to embrace myself, my positive or negative sides, my culture and learn how to deal with it!

After 29 years walking on God's plain, I realised that I never appreciate the things that had happened in my life! I'll grumble, sulk and even "curse" the ground that I walked on! I was blinded by my own self-consciousness, low self-esteem and was too worried about things people said about me! It's hurtful sometimes, but I've come to a point that I've realised, we can never stop what other people think about us! Life must go on!!

Enough about me blabbering on the bad side of life! It's time for me to move forward! Stand tall and proud to say that I'm a Bidayuh boy from Bau, proud of myself and my culture and heritage! I might be different from the rest of you in terms of my looks, dialect, religion and beliefs, but... I'm always going to be your friend, companion, brother in one way or another!